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Pool Refurbishment Trends in 2024

We're excited to share the upcoming trends in pool refurbishment for 2024. If you're planning to give your pool a fresh, modern look or enhance its functionality, these trends can offer inspiration and guidance.

1. Smart Pool Technology:

The integration of smart technology into pools is a significant trend. From automated water quality monitoring systems to smartphone-controlled pool equipment, the future of pool refurbishments is undoubtedly "smart." Consider adding features that allow you to control your pool's settings with a touch of your phone screen.

2. Energy Efficiency:

In today's environmentally conscious world, energy-efficient pool refurbishments are in high demand. This trend includes the use of energy-efficient pumps, LED lighting, and solar pool heating systems. Upgrading your pool to be more eco-friendly not only benefits the environment but also saves you money in the long run.

3. Natural Elements:

A growing trend is to incorporate natural elements into pool designs. This can mean using materials like natural stone for coping and decking, or creating a natural oasis with lush landscaping and rock features. Such designs blend harmoniously with the environment and provide a relaxing atmosphere.

4. Saltwater Pools:

Saltwater pools continue to gain popularity. Many pool owners are making the switch from traditional chlorine pools to saltwater for its gentler, more natural feel. Saltwater systems are known for being easier on the skin and eyes while providing superior water quality.

5. Water Features:

Water features such as fountains, waterfalls, and decorative jets are all the rage. They add a touch of luxury and elegance to your pool area. The soothing sound of running water can turn your pool into a tranquil retreat.

6. LED and Fiber-Optic Lighting:

The choice of lighting can dramatically impact the ambiance of your pool area. LED and fibre-optic lighting systems are energy-efficient and offer a wide range of customizable colour options, allowing you to create the perfect mood for any occasion.

7. Bespoke Pool Covers and Enclosures:

Pool covers and enclosures are no longer merely functional but are becoming design features. Custom-designed pool covers and enclosures can be tailored to complement your pool's aesthetic, while also providing safety, energy savings, and cleanliness.

8. Resurfacing with Premium Materials:

When it comes to resurfacing, premium materials like glass tiles and pebble finishes are increasingly popular. These materials not only provide durability but also a stunning, luxurious appearance to your pool.

9. Infinity and Vanishing Edge Pools:

Infinity and vanishing edge pools are known for their mesmerising visual effects. They create the illusion of water extending to the horizon, making your pool an architectural masterpiece.

10. Sustainable Landscaping:

For eco-conscious pool owners, sustainable landscaping is a must. It involves the use of native plants, low-water vegetation, and eco-friendly irrigation systems to create a beautiful and eco-conscious poolside environment.

Embracing these refurbishment trends can breathe new life into your pool, enhance its aesthetic appeal, and improve its functionality. If you're considering a pool refurbishment that incorporates any of these trends, don't hesitate to contact us at South West Pools. We're here to turn your vision into a stunning reality, keeping your pool up-to-date and in line with the latest trends.

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